upcoming events
tap on the event image to learn more and sign up
Second Saturdays
Join others from Jacob’s Well in volunteering every Second Saturday of each month from at Avenue of Life ministries in KCK. Avenue of Life is an outstanding organization aiming to […]
Adult Sunday School
Every Sunday, journey with Jesus through the gospel of John. No prior knowledge of the text is necessary and there will be no required outside reading. Each session will consist […]
Food Distribution
Volunteer with other folks from Jacob’s Well at the monthly Food Distribution in partnership with Youthfront every second Wednesday of the month. This event is very important for many food […]
Adult Sunday School
Every Sunday, journey with Jesus through the gospel of John. No prior knowledge of the text is necessary and there will be no required outside reading. Each session will consist […]
Men’s Fire & Hike
Join the men of Jacob’s Well at Lake Jacomo Park to gather around a fire for food and fellowship before setting out to hike the trails. Bring a thermos with […]
Something to Eat KC: A Citywide Meal Packing Event
>>>To attend the event, sign up as an individual, small group or family via Youthfront’s registration form: https://youthfront.com/something-to-eat-kc-packing-party/ More about this event… Youthfront’s “Something to Eat” meal packing […]
Adult Sunday School
Every Sunday, journey with Jesus through the gospel of John. No prior knowledge of the text is necessary and there will be no required outside reading. Each session will consist […]
Something to Eat KC: A Citywide Meal Packing Event
>>>To attend the event, sign up as an individual, small group or family via Youthfront’s registration form: https://youthfront.com/something-to-eat-kc-packing-party/ More about this event… Youthfront’s “Something to Eat” meal packing […]
Family Rule of Life Workshop
Do you ever feel like your ordinary family life could be, well, more life-giving? What if you found habits and practices that were joyful and sustainable for all of you, […]
Women’s Solitude Retreat
Please note, this Solitude Retreat is for women only… Gather with other Jacob’s Well women at Conception Abbey for a Saturday of prayerful reflection over the questions, challenges and opportunities […]
Adult Sunday School
Every Sunday, journey with Jesus through the gospel of John. No prior knowledge of the text is necessary and there will be no required outside reading. Each session will consist […]
Children’s Choir
Children’s Choir is back this semester for 1st – 5th graders! The goal of our weekly Children’s Choir is to learn to sing and bring glory to God. We want […]
Fat Sunday Chili Cook-off
Join us for our third annual Fat Sunday Chili Cook-off after the 11am gathering! Come taste and judge an assortment of chili or participate in the competition! We are in […]
Men’s Bible Study
Every Tuesday, build community online with other men from Jacob’s Well as we explore key passages from the Gospel of John. Weekly meetings will consist of a brief introduction to […]
Prayer & Intercession
Every Wednesday, join a small group online to pray for our congregation, our world and other prayer needs that are on our hearts. Time is composed of silence, reflection and […]
Lectio Divina
Every Thursday, join a small group of prayerful others online to practice communal lectio divina together.This practice is a prayerful, reflective way of reading a scripture passage with time for […]
Women’s Lectio Divina
Every Thursday, join other women from Jacob’s Well for a time of prayerful reading and reflecting on scripture passages through the practice of communal lectio divina. Each week we will […]
Second Saturdays
Join others from Jacob’s Well in volunteering every Second Saturday of each month from at Avenue of Life ministries in KCK. Avenue of Life is an outstanding organization aiming to […]
Adult Sunday School
Every Sunday, journey with Jesus through the gospel of John. No prior knowledge of the text is necessary and there will be no required outside reading. Each session will consist […]
Food Distribution
Volunteer with other folks from Jacob’s Well at the monthly Food Distribution in partnership with Youthfront every second Wednesday of the month. This event is very important for many food […]
Adult Sunday School
Every Sunday, journey with Jesus through the gospel of John. No prior knowledge of the text is necessary and there will be no required outside reading. Each session will consist […]
Junior/Senior Spring Retreat
Join us for an extended weekend retreat specifically for our 11th & 12th graders spent exploring Northwest Arkansas together! Hiking, checking out Crystal Bridges Art Museum, exploring Bentonville, and giving […]
Adult Sunday School
Every Sunday, journey with Jesus through the gospel of John. No prior knowledge of the text is necessary and there will be no required outside reading. Each session will consist […]
Adult Sunday School
Every Sunday, journey with Jesus through the gospel of John. No prior knowledge of the text is necessary and there will be no required outside reading. Each session will consist […]