Event Series Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina

Every Thursday, join a small group of prayerful others online to practice communal lectio divina together.This practice is a prayerful, reflective way of reading a scripture passage with time for both personal reflection and journalling as well as optional time to share reflections with others. We will take time to pray for each other before […]

Event Series Women’s Lectio Divina

Women’s Lectio Divina

Every Thursday, join other women from Jacob’s Well for a time of prayerful reading and reflecting on scripture passages through the practice of communal lectio divina. Each week we will prayerfully read and reflect on a different passage of Scripture and listen for what God might be saying to us through the passage, followed by […]

Event Series Second Saturdays

Second Saturdays

Join others from Jacob's Well in volunteering every Second Saturday of each month from at Avenue of Life ministries in KCK. Avenue of Life is an outstanding organization aiming to facilitate the journey from hand-outs (emergency relief) in crisis, to hand-ups (individual betterment) for those ready to rise above their circumstances, to hand-offs (community development) […]

Event Series Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School

Every Sunday, journey with Jesus through the gospel of John. No prior knowledge of the text is necessary and there will be no required outside reading. Each session will consist of a brief introduction to the weekly passage, individual time to reflect on a short commentary excerpt over the weekly text, and small group discussion […]

Event Series Food Distribution

Food Distribution

Volunteer with other folks from Jacob's Well at the monthly Food Distribution in partnership with Youthfront every second Wednesday of the month. This event is very important for many food […]

Event Series Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School

Every Sunday, journey with Jesus through the gospel of John. No prior knowledge of the text is necessary and there will be no required outside reading. Each session will consist of a brief introduction to the weekly passage, individual time to reflect on a short commentary excerpt over the weekly text, and small group discussion […]

Men’s Fire & Hike

Join the men of Jacob's Well at Lake Jacomo Park to gather around a fire for food and fellowship before setting out to hike the trails. Bring a thermos with something to drink and something to roast over the fire to share (hot dogs, marshmallows, bacon, eggs...whatever sounds good). Young men and any children you’d […]

Something to Eat KC: A Citywide Meal Packing Event

>>>To attend the event, sign up as an individual, small group or family via Youthfront's registration form: https://youthfront.com/something-to-eat-kc-packing-party/     More about this event... Youthfront's "Something to Eat" meal packing ministry, in partnership with Jacob's Well, is organizing a citywide event to supply area pantries with thousands of shelf-stable meals. This citywide meal packing event […]

Event Series Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School

Every Sunday, journey with Jesus through the gospel of John. No prior knowledge of the text is necessary and there will be no required outside reading. Each session will consist of a brief introduction to the weekly passage, individual time to reflect on a short commentary excerpt over the weekly text, and small group discussion […]

Something to Eat KC: A Citywide Meal Packing Event

>>>To attend the event, sign up as an individual, small group or family via Youthfront's registration form: https://youthfront.com/something-to-eat-kc-packing-party/     More about this event... Youthfront's "Something to Eat" meal packing ministry, in partnership with Jacob's Well, is organizing a citywide event to supply area pantries with thousands of shelf-stable meals. This citywide meal packing event […]

Family Rule of Life Workshop

Do you ever feel like your ordinary family life could be, well, more life-giving? What if you found habits and practices that were joyful and sustainable for all of you, helping you live a life that is more connected to God and each other? This workshop will explore how a rule of life can work […]

Women’s Solitude Retreat

Please note, this Solitude Retreat is for women only... Gather with other Jacob's Well women at Conception Abbey for a Saturday of prayerful reflection over the questions, challenges and opportunities in our lives. We will have two sessions of loosely directed prayerful solitude on Saturday morning and afternoon. There will also be an optional open […]