Solitude Retreat

Gather at Conception Abbey for a Saturday of prayerful reflection over the questions, challenges and opportunities in our lives. We will have two sessions of loosely directed prayerful solitude on Saturday morning and afternoon. There will also be an optional open social time on Friday evening for games and informal discussion, as well as breakfast […]

New Attender Coffee & Connect

New to Jacob's Well? Please join us after the gathering (around 10:15am or 12:15pm) on Sunday, January 26th for a time of coffee and connection with Jacob's Well elders and congregants.  

Event Series Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School

Every Sunday, journey with Jesus through the gospel of John. No prior knowledge of the text is necessary and there will be no required outside reading. Each session will consist of a brief introduction to the weekly passage, individual time to reflect on a short commentary excerpt over the weekly text, and small group discussion […]

Middle School Winter Retreat

At our annual Middle School Winter Retreat, we'll kickoff with dinner at church, tubing at Snow Creek on Friday evening, serving at Avenue of Life on Saturday morning followed by more fun and games after lunch Saturday.

High School Winter Social

High school students are invited to join us for a winter evening of games, snacks, a nice catered meal, and a movie!

Event Series Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School

Every Sunday, journey with Jesus through the gospel of John. No prior knowledge of the text is necessary and there will be no required outside reading. Each session will consist of a brief introduction to the weekly passage, individual time to reflect on a short commentary excerpt over the weekly text, and small group discussion […]

Event Series Children’s Choir

Children’s Choir

Children's Choir is back this semester for 1st - 5th graders!  The goal of our weekly Children's Choir is to learn to sing and bring glory to God. We want our children to develop a heart for worship and a deeper understanding of their role in praising God in our church.

Event Series Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study

Every Tuesday, build community online with other men from Jacob's Well as we explore key passages from the Gospel of John. Weekly meetings will consist of a brief introduction to the weekly passage, a time of individual reading from select commentaries on the weekly text, small group discussion over these readings, and prayer together.

Institute: Living A Good Life

How do we live a good life in a world that moves so fast? Inspired by Robert Benson’s A Good Life: Benedict’s Guide to Everyday Joy and our January sermon series, this three-week Institute will explore four key elements of a good life: rest, community, work, and prayer. Together, we’ll develop simple, sustainable practices to […]

Event Series Prayer & Intercession

Prayer & Intercession

Every Wednesday, join a small group online to pray for our congregation, our world and other prayer needs that are on our hearts. Time is composed of silence, reflection and prayer on a weekly scripture reading, and free intercession for Jacob's Well and other needs that arise.

Event Series Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina

Every Thursday, join a small group of prayerful others online to practice communal lectio divina together.This practice is a prayerful, reflective way of reading a scripture passage with time for both personal reflection and journalling as well as optional time to share reflections with others. We will take time to pray for each other before […]

Event Series Women’s Lectio Divina

Women’s Lectio Divina

Every Thursday, join other women from Jacob’s Well for a time of prayerful reading and reflecting on scripture passages through the practice of communal lectio divina. Each week we will prayerfully read and reflect on a different passage of Scripture and listen for what God might be saying to us through the passage, followed by […]